A common restoration technique of relieving tension by routing out kerfs and gluing in wedges.
Door Latch
European oak, fragile short grain reinforced with dowels.
Mobile Base
Lever-operated mobile base for woodworking machines (table saw and band saw), with French cleat lock.
Radar Altimeter Model
The goal of this work is to develop mathematical models for terrain-aided navigation, such as radar altimetery and phased arrays, of high accuracy and fidelity. Potential applications include helicpoter landing and low-altitude flights, including nap-of-the-earth (aka ground-hugging).
Opus 7: Catherine’s March
Orchestral composition
Opus 6: Danse Macabre
Piano reduction
Restoration of Rustic Chairs
The main issues with this chair included improperly fitted and damaged tenons, which negatively affected the chair’s stability. After labeling the chair’s structural components and marking the needed repairs with a piece of tape, we disassembled the chair and prepared full-sized drawings of tenon repairs — the angled tenons are common in tapered chair stretchers.…
Epidemiological Analysis of 2019 Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak
Using multiple models for an infectious disease spread we present preliminary epidemiological predictions for the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak.
Impact of oral bile replacement on intestinal mucosa function
We evaluate the impact of oral bile replacement during external biliary drainage on the regenerative capabilities of instentinal mucosa, focusing on enterocytic integrity and mucosa barrier function. The drained biliary fluid undergoes a series of mechanical filtrations with progressively smaller porosity to reduce the bacterial load. The primary clinical markers observed during the therapy include…
Rock Climbing Physics: The Fundamental Mechanisms (book)
This is a no-nonsense treatise on scientific aspects of rock climbing, as well as technical discussion on some advanced climbing techniques. The mathematical and physical principles discussed herein aim to provide a self-consistent body of information from which practical advice on climbing techniques, use of equipment and safety, can be deduced by an astute reader.…