Radar Altimeter Model, Extensions

These modules extend the functionality of the radar altimeter model (RAM), and include:1) Wrapper extension‘s goal is to automate terrain map (DEM) preparation for the measurement model while refreshing DEM only when needed (adaptive), accounting for attitude and radar angles (applicable to phase-array radars), providing control over computational efficiency (refresh frequency f and DEM data…

Toolkit for Digital Elevation Models

A set of software tools for processing DEMs (digital elevation models). Uses GDAL api, includes:1) DEM Downloader,where user specifies horizontal position and radius, and required DEM resolutions. Metadata are then retrieved using USGS-documented web API, processed, and finally DEMs are downloaded from remote server, with degenerate tiles further processed and/or merged.2) DEM Processor,which transforms from…

Alternative Navigation Feasibility Study of DME/DME Systems

The DME/DME analysis includes line-of-sight (LOS) analysis, the coverage both en-route and in terminal areas, and optimal transmitter placement based on polygonal computational geometry. The aim is to assess the feasibility of VHF/UHF terrestrial navigation in GNSS-denied environments. To determine which airports are DME/DME-approach-enabled, we Check LOS (terrain included) in AAR (airport approach region). Check…

APNT & eLoran: Mathematical Analysis of Low-frequency Terrestrial Radionavigation in GNSS-denied Environments

To predict performance metrics for an LF navigation system at a particular location we need to develop and combine multiple models. The Groundwave Propagation Model, computes signal attenuation due to non-uniform surface conductivity and terrain elevation along the path from transmitter to receiver. The Markov Chain model for global transmitter availability is developed next; the…

Numerical Analysis of a Diffuse Plasma Discharge

I extended the in-house code for a 1D fluid model of a silent discharge in a parallel-plate geometry and subsequently developed and coded an extensive 2D fluid model. The code supports simulations of various cold plasmaconfigurations, from dielectric barrier discharges to extreme-field nanosecond streamers. The fluid model is solved with finite-difference and finite-volume methods on…

An axisymmetric unstructured finite volume method applied to the numerical modeling of an atmospheric pressure gas discharge

We develop a finite volume method based on unstructured triangular and/or quadrangular meshes for the numerical modeling of gas discharges at atmospheric pressure. The discretization of the computational domain is performed with median-dual control-volumes. Gradient calculations at the faces of the control-volumes are based on finite-element interpolation using shape functions. An FCT method was chosen…